QUALIFICATION OF SMEs - Individual Operations
Qualification and
digitalization of the business models of SMEs that aim
the adoption of more advanced business strategies that
increase the ability to integrate into supply chains
global value, through the following intangible domains of
a) Organizational innovation, management and logistics;
b) Digitization and digital transformation;
c) Creation of brands and design;
d) Training for product development,
services and processes;
e) Protection of industrial property;
f) Quality and certification;
g) Transfer of knowledge and technology;
h) Sustainability and eco-innovation
Eligible Expenses:
Up to 2,250 euros in salary costs for hiring qualified human resources - base salary and
social charges;
Costs of equipment necessary to apply new organizational methods - BPM (Business
Process Management), AI applications, Data Analytics, Virtual Assistants, Cybersecurity;
Certification of products, processes or services - ISO 9001, 14001, 25000, among others, prototypes and proofs of concept;
Design and registration costs for new brands - validation and defense of patents and other industrial property or trademark registrations;
Costs associated with domiciling and subscribing to applications, joining electronic platforms or
inclusion in directories and search engines - investment in digital marketing strategies;
ESG - certification of systems, services and products, obtaining an Ecological Label and eco-management and audit system (EMAS), specialized consultancy
GEOGRAPHIC AREA COVERED - North, Center, Lisbon, Alentejo and Algarve
FINANCING RATE - 50%, with the exception of incentives from the Lisbon Regional Program where the maximum rate is 40%.
FINANCING AMOUNT - 200,000 euros (minimum)