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Support for internationalization operations of SMEs that aim to:
- Knowledge of foreign markets (fairs/exhibitions);
- Prospecting and presence in international markets (prospecting and attracting new customers);
- International promotion and marketing actions, including the use of web tools (digital channels)

Geographic area: North, Center, Lisbon, Alentejo and Algarve
Eligible expenses:
a) Costs incurred with participation in fairs and exhibitions abroad, including space rental, construction and operation of the stand;
b) Costs of specialized consultancy services, namely:
- Marketing campaigns in foreign markets;
- Expenses with CC or ROC intervention;
- Design and registration costs for new brands;
- Costs associated with domiciling and subscribing to applications, joining electronic platforms or inclusion in directories and search engines;
c) Other expenses related to the promotion of internationalization, including prospecting and attracting new customers and promotional actions carried out in foreign markets;
d) Costs for monitoring and developing the operation, including dissemination actions, awareness raising and dissemination of results, studies, and personnel costs.
Regarding the use of web tools (digital channels), the following expenses are eligible:
I. Design and implementation of strategies applied to digital channels to manage markets, channels, products or customer segments;
ii. User-Centered Design (UX);
iii. Design, implementation, optimization of Web Content Management (WCM), Campaign Management, Customer Relationship Management and E-commerce platforms;
iv. Creation of own online stores, registration and optimization of presence in electronic marketplaces;
v. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Advertising (SEA);
saw. Social Media Marketing;
viii. Content Marketing;
viii. Display Advertising;
ix. Mobile Marketing;
x. Web Analytics

Financing Rate: North, Center, Alentejo - 75%; Lisbon and Algarve - 40%
Total Cost of Operations

Recipients: SMEs with organized accounting

Total Cost of Operations: From R$200 thousand to R$10 million


+351 912 492 529


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