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ENERGY EFFICIENCY in local administration and private social solidarity institutions

Promotion of energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Local Public Administration and Private Social Solidarity Institutions.

Geographic Area - NUTS II NORTH

Financing Rate - 85%

Action type a) Integrated renovations that take into account each building and its systems as a whole:
i) Improvement of passive components of the building envelope;
ii) Improvement of active components of buildings;
iii) Improvement (or installation) of ventilation and natural lighting systems;
iv)Installation of intelligent energy management systems;
v) Interventions aimed at water and material efficiency;
vi) Interventions that promote the incorporation of biomaterials, recycled materials and natural-based solutions;
vii) Installation of photovoltaic panels and other renewable energy production equipment for self-consumption;
viii) Energy audits and energy certification processes.

Action type b) Training actions for territorial actors to develop awareness, information and planning actions associated with energy efficiency and climate transition:
i) Awareness raising, promotion and territorial planning actions, dissemination of information and socioeconomic awareness in the field of energy efficiency.


+351 912 492 529


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1250-068 Lisboa

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