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Industry Decarbonization

  • Os projetos enquadram -se nas seguintes tipologias:  

  • Processos e tecnologias de baixo carbono na indústria

  • Adoção de medidas de eficiência energética na indústria

  • Incorporação de energia de fonte renovável e armazenamento de energia

Recovery and Resilience Plan

The projects fall into the following typologies: ​


a) Low-carbon processes and technologies in industry: this typology includes clean and innovative low-carbon technologies and solutions that promote the efficient use of resources and their circularity, including industrial symbioses, enhancing the sustainability and resilience of value chains; the incorporation of new raw materials, fuels derived from waste, including biomass and biogas; the use of industrial symbiosis and circular economy measures, incorporating innovation; the replacement and/or adaptation of equipment and processes for new sustainable technologies and renewable energy vectors.


b) Adoption of energy efficiency measures in industry: this typology includes the adoption of energy efficiency measures in industry, in parallel with the adoption of monitoring and consumption management systems that allow managing and optimizing energy consumption by taking advantage of the potential of digitalization and automation; ​


c) Incorporation of energy from renewable sources and energy storage: this typology contemplates the Promotion of the incorporation of hydrogen and other renewable gases in industry, particularly in those situations in which cost-effective technological options for decarbonization, namely through electrification , are more limited.


Investments with greater technical maturity will be privileged in technologies with a TRL equal to or greater than 7 “Demonstration of the system prototype in an operational environment” and with greater potential for impact in terms of decarbonization.


Geographic Area

The program covers the entire national territory.


Nature of Beneficiaries ​

• Companies, of any size or legal form, in the industry sector, categories B – Extractive industries and C – Processing industries;

• Entities managing industrial zones whose investments may impact the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in industries located in the areas under their management. Limits of support ​

• Support is granted in the form of a non-refundable incentive, with maximum co-financing rates applicable on expenses considered eligible, listed in the table in Annex I, which establishes the potentially applicable aid categories;

• The eligible expense with the installation of electrical energy production systems from solar sources for self-consumption is limited to 30% of the total eligible investment amount of the operation, not considering the amount of investment in the production of electrical energy from solar fountain;

• The amount of support per project may be limited in terms of hierarchy, in order to guarantee compliance with the disbursement target of Component 11 of the PRR, which requires the minimum support of 300 industry decarbonization projects, regardless of the budget allocation to be made. contest.

Application reception period

Between 01/10/2022 and 7pm on 04/29/2022.



Via do Conhecimento, Edifício Central,

Escritório 1.71

3830-044 Ílhavo​

t. +351 211 372 063 // +351 917 214 588



Rua Castilho, 39 - 12ºF Ed. Castil

1250-068 Lisboa

t. +351 215 807 581 // +351 912 492 529


Rua General Ferreira Martins n 10 6B

1495-137 Algés

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3000-316 Coimbra

t. +351 239 198 090

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