PRR Digital Neighborhoods
Os projetos podem incidir sobre o espaço físico e urbano, mas também recorrer a modelos de intervenção baseados em tecnologia digital, o que se afigura importante para a promoção da competitividade e resiliência destes setores e dos territórios onde se inserem.
Project typology
The project must cover the qualification of Digital Commercial Neighborhoods, understanding these as contiguous urban spaces that enjoy a geographical delimitation, which must contain a relevant density of commercial activities and service provision with a common management strategy.
Geographic Area
This notice applies to Mainland Portugal and the Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira
Nature of Beneficiaries
The beneficiaries of this notice are:
• Local authorities;
• Business Associations and Local Development Associations, as long as the representativeness of the association for the sector and area intervened is proven;
• Municipal Companies; Applications from Consortia will be valued.
Limits of support
The incentive is non-refundable and is calculated based on the application of a 100% rate on expenses considered eligible, without prejudice to compliance with State Aid rules.
Application reception period 04/31/2022
Hojas de ruta de descarbonización