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SIID- Business R&D -Op. Individual – Low density

Action Typology
This notice supports Research and Development (R&D) operations, in individual mode, carried out by a company, aligned with the priority domains of the Research and Innovation Strategy for Intelligent Specialization (RIS3), which comprise investments in industrial research and development activities experimental, stimulating its economic valorization and the promotion of innovation.

Operations that integrate industrial research and experimental development activities, leading to the creation of new products, processes or services or the introduction of significant improvements to existing products, processes or services, are eligible for support.

Geographic Area
This notice applies to the low-density territories of the NUTS II regions of the Continent (North, Center, Alentejo and Algarve), defined by CIC Portugal 2020 (Low-Density Territories).

The location of the project corresponds to the region where the investment is located.

Form of Support
The support to be granted takes the form of a non-refundable grant. Maximum co-financing rate - 80%



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