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COACHING 4.0 - Support for business models for digital transition

Coaching 4.0 – Supporting Business Models for Digital Transition offers specialized coaching and consultancy services to help companies identify business opportunities in the digital era and develop innovative business models that are adapted to new technologies. The objective is to help companies improve their competitiveness, increase their efficiency and reduce costs, in addition to taking advantage of the opportunities offered by digital transformation.

Intervention areas
An incentive in the form of vouchers to boost the technological component of companies. Promote the integration of technology in companies by supporting the development of processes and organizational skills that drive the digital transformation of the business model.

Geographic Areas
Mainland Portugal, including autonomous regions Madeira and Azores.

Financing Rate
In projects worth up to R$10,000, support is 75% to Fundo Perdido – Company Participation 25%.

Eligible Expenses
- Social media management and advertising management;
- Digital marketing plan;
- Construction of website/online store;
- Content creation and SEO optimization;
- Email Marketing and Automation;
- Digital Maturity consultancy and development;
- Acquisition of new software for internal implementation.
- Brand development and digital maturity;
- Development of new features.



+351 912 492 529



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Via do Conhecimento, Edifício Central,

Escritório 1.71

3830-044 Ílhavo​

t. +351 211 372 063 // +351 917 214 588



Rua Castilho, 39 - 12ºF Ed. Castil

1250-068 Lisboa

t. +351 215 807 581 // +351 912 492 529


Rua General Ferreira Martins n 10 6B

1495-137 Algés

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Rua Padre Estevão Cabral 79, 2º piso sala 206

3000-316 Coimbra

t. +351 239 198 090

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site criado por Innovstrategy Lda

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