Employment + Digital 2025
The “Employment + Digital 2025” program is therefore a professional training program for digital technologies that aims to respond to the challenges and opportunities of the economy, and includes:
(1) Identification of the transversal and specific needs of business sectors and their workers, considering current skill levels and the challenges and opportunities that each subsector and business area face (including challenges in terms of labor obsolescence and gender balance);
(2) Improving existing training content and/or developing new content and resources necessary for program implementation;
(3) Development of training programs for the digital area that meet pre-identified needs; and
(4) Continuous monitoring of the needs of employers and their workers, in order to ensure that the Emprego + Digital program remains updated and with initiatives adjusted to specific audiences and objectives
Eligible costs are the costs of training actions, namely costs for trainees, trainers and other operating costs, under the terms and limits to be defined by regulation.
Financing Rate - 100% on expenses considered eligible