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SACCCT – European Context Science Projects

This Notice for Submission of Applications (hereinafter referred to as AAC) aims to support science projects focused on applied research activities and/or validating the economic potential of ideas or IC&DT results resulting from projects selected for funding in the context of joint transnational competitions launched by European Partnerships, from Pillar II of Horizon Europe, in which CCDRC participates.
In this context, this AAC aims to follow the best European practices in this field and promote regional co-financing to Portuguese entities participating in European consortia dedicated to applied scientific research activities, in priority areas for the Center's regional smart specialization strategy. Therefore, this AAC covers projects promoted by entities in the Central Region participating within the scope of the following European partnerships:
• Driving Urban Transitions (DUT);
• Sustainable Blue Economic Partnership (SBEP);
• Transforming Health Care Systems (THCS);
• European Partnership for Personalized Medicine (EP PerMed).

The eligible costs of operations are financed in the simplified cost modality, based on a unit cost of €4,320 per ETI/Month.
The promoter's technical personnel costs must be sized according to the actual workload spent by human resources within the scope of the operation, expressed in terms of FTE (Full-Time Equivalent). By way of examples:
• 1 person dedicated to the project at 50% for 1 month = 0.5 ETI
• 2 people dedicated to the project at 50%/each for 1 month = 1.0 ETI
• 2 people dedicated to the project for 1 month, one at 25% and the other at 30% = 0.55 ETI.


+351 912 492 529


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