Hiring Highly Qualified Human Resources
Hiring Highly Qualified Human Resources (RHAQ) in scientific infrastructure, scientific and technological institutions and Collaborative Laboratories.
Eligible Expenses:
Salary costs for hiring highly qualified human resources are eligible, with minimum and maximum eligibility thresholds established in a notice for the submission of applications.
Geographic area covered
Territories classified and not classified as Low Density in the CENTRO and ALENTEJO Region – NUTS II, relating to the Classification of Low Density Municipalities and Parishes for the purposes of applying measures of positive differentiation of territories, within the scope of European funds.
Geographical eligibility will be determined by the location of the project, that is, the place where the company's establishment is located and where the in-person, non-remote job(s) will be created( s)/online/remotely or via mirror (teleworking).
Eligible Shares
RHAQ hiring in SMEs whose innovation strategy is aligned with the CENTRO or ALENTEJO Intelligent Specialization Strategy, as applicable, are eligible under this Notice.
The human resources to be hired must have a qualification level equal to or greater than 6 (graduates, masters, doctors or post-doctors).
Maximum Financing Rate of 50%