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Call for Investment Fund for Tourism in the Interior

This Call aims to provide recipient companies with liquidity that allows investment in the adaptation, requalification and modernization or reconversion to tourist activity, of properties located in low-density territories used for tourist activity that:

- contribute to reducing regional asymmetries and reducing seasonality in demand in territories;
- contribute to the valorization of cultural and natural heritage, as well as to the sustainable development of local communities;
- present a level of innovation in the investment project to be carried out, taking into account the existing offer in the region.
- companies that own properties, whether or not linked to tourist activity, provided that, in the latter case, they are intended for tourist activity.

The operations to be classified can only involve the sale of properties to the Fund (purchase/sale) or also include payment by the Fund to companies for investments to be made in the recovery, rehabilitation and requalification of properties, with a view to the intended purpose ( purchase/sale, with investment).

Maximum Financing Rate of 85%


+351 912 492 529


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